dEar aMazing & gOOd lOOkinG
and sUpeR sPaRkLy fuN & frEE pEEps!
I have a really weird and amazing idea for all of you today. I dare you to be your authentic self . . . for 1 hour. Sounds easy, right?
Hmmnnn . . . let's unpack it a bit.
That means,
- checking in with yourself every moment, or at least every time you make a decision, to ensure that you, beautiful and amazing you, are in your own unique integrity in this world
- making decisions based on you . . . rather than
- what other people will approve of
- what other people will think is the "right" choice
- what will make others like you
- what feels the easiest (unless you need it to be easy)
- what is automatically ANTI (for those of us who don't like to be told what to do so we choose the radical or OTHER position)
- what your parents would have wanted you to do
- putting the needs of others before your own
- being free to express yourself, for example . .
- I was shopping with some friends today and one friend said something sosososo ridiculous that I burst out laughing!
- Looking around at people staring at me, I apologized . . . and then kept on laughing my a@# off . . . even the fancy botoxed (NO JUDGEMENT...I love Botox!) high-heeled designer shopper eventually began to chuckle with me!
- being sad & sappy if I need to
- asking for help when I need it
- saying sorry and knowing I'm wrong
- taking care of me FIRST, SO I have stuff to GIVE (the opposite of what I learned growing up!)
WE R ALL AMAZING! How do we forget that? It's crazy!
Can You let go of the story of your own un-amazingness?
Let me know in the comments!
HeArts & fArTs!