Tuesday, May 28, 2013


“There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy.”
Hey funfreemfollowers!
Hope this blog finds you in a hApPy space! I have been doing a lot of reading lately about living with a sense of awesome gratitude. 

Gratitude isn't really something we are taught to cultivate from an early age; as a matter of fact, with the media and pressure at school & work, we often compare ourselves to the made up information we create about what other people have (and it's usually more than what we've got, ain't it?)

I can remember when was a kid believing that a lot of times, ALL THE OTHER kids had all the GooD StufF--like cool clothes (which in my day was red-tag Levi's--we didn't dare wear the orange-tag Levi's!), parents who gave them everything, expensive shoes, awesome vacations, and the list goes on. On other words, I used to compare what I had to what others had, and feel like I never got my StuFF!

I know you are thinking OMG she must be SoOoooooOO oLD! But really now, times haven't changed that much . . . (although the shape and cost of the stuff has changed a lot . . .). 
instead of wondering 
where your stuff is? 
instead of
expecting someone else to give it to you?
painful :( ],

do you ever
. . . pause. . . 
to be 
for what you DO have, 

Hmmnnn . . . maybe we can switch our attention away from what is painful to what is awesome

I am so thankful for all of you!
With so much love and gratitude,

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