Thursday, November 12, 2015

sEE tHe bLeSSinGs . . .

"every cloud has a silver lining"

Dear FunFreePeeps:

Today I had an amazing day! Interesting that nothing really noteworthy or mind-blowing happened . . . but as I was sitting at my desk this morning, I thought to myself, "I'm going to have a wonderful day." In essence, I made a conscious decision at the beginning of my day that I was going to be in a great mood, I was going to pleasantly interact with those around me, and I was going to travel lightly, and engage fully with my students and colleagues. 

As my homeroom kids came in after the bell, I had meditation music playing in my classroom, and after the Pledge of Allegiance, we hung out together, chatted, and got ready for our day. 

Guess what? My intention made all the difference in my day, and I did HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY

I think starting to reread Gabrielle Bernstein's newest book, May Cause Miracles, may have something to do with my fresh-feeling mindset. Today, I was able to read some of the introduction, which focuses on creating a life surrounded by miracles, and getting into a "miracle mindset." Guess what she wrote about? Energy.  

Here are some of her words (as I shared with you yesterday):

"Your body is a molecular structure that is always vibrating energy. That energy is positive when thoughts are positive, and it is negative when your thoughts are negative. Our energy fields are like  magnets; they attract their likeness. Therefore, if your energy is negative . . . guess what? You're attracting negativity into your life. [ . . . ] The miracle-minded approach shows you how to shift your thoughts and energy, thereby attracting positivity into your life."
Bernstein, May Cause Miracles, p. 7

Yesterday I was talking to my best friend, about how tough it is to be away from my kids (and him, secretly). What he said to me was this: "Maybe we have to be apart so we have to consciously reconnect each time we come back together."

Oh, my gosh!. That is the most amazing statement, and it's true. Being divorced has made me more conscious in relationship with my children--which is a huge blessing. I have to be more present, more intentional, and more in the moment than I have ever been before. Each minute (seriously) is a blessing. And I consider myself so lucky. When I'm not with my kids, I am so blessed to have time to create a relationship with myself (for the first time of my life), and with my partner (who honors the fact that I need to put myself first--the only man in my life who has ever honored that, taught me about that, and believed it to be true)--Oh my.

I am a blessed woman. WOOO HOOO!

Today, I chose to rethink the challenges into positives. Remember, whatever energy we put out into the Universe in the form of thoughts-- is mirrored back to us in the original state--in the same form of energy. Today, I chose positive thoughts, and look where it brought me!

Can't wait to create a beautiful tomorrow!
Love you!

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