Monday, November 16, 2015

Appreciate You and Your Life!


You are aLIVE and yoUr fabulous existence began as a teeny-tiny strand of DNA . . . amazing! 
How do you live on purpose, with purpose?

That's a tough one for many of us! I am doing a lot right now to figure out them meaning of my LIFE('s) juiciest purpose, yA kNow . . . what gives me a feeling of passion and what brings me to LIFE! I used to worry a lot more than I do, and I found myself reacting to life rather than responding to it. And when I learned about responding (a more powerful place than reacting) things got better, but I still wasn't living life & loving (myself and others) as a powerful coCreator! I beLIeVE it is my destiny (& yours, too) to be the most powerful and fabulous expression of me I can be! That is each of our highest calling: finding our life's purpose and aligning our lives with it.

So, are you living life small? Or, are you living LARGE and in CHARGE--bursting forward with pursuing the amazing crEaTiVe aCtS that give you energy and passion? The world is a better place when you sHaRe your amazing gifts with the You-niverse, with your fellow travelers--

otherwise, why would you be here? 

What presence do you wish to leave as your own personal signature to our delicious and amazing existence? That doesn't mean I believe that life is all "woo-hooish", and there won't be challenges--as a matter of fact, the hArD cRapOla is designed for us so we can learn and become even more amazing (hard to believe when your in the crapper).

Today, I challenge you to do some writing:
  • Make a list of at least 10 things, people, experiences, or opportunities that you are incredibly grateful for; re-read the list out loud and at the end of each, graciously feel the gratitude and say Thank you in your mind's eye.
  • Make a list of 5 things you desire to call in to your life--(again, they are more powerful when they are very specific and in the present tense: I am earning an extra $1,000 each month, or, I run painlessly and freely each day, I have a peaceful relationship with my ex. 
  • Re-read the list out loud again, envision each desire fully with all of your senses-- and at the end of each, graciously feel the gratitude and say Thank you, and so it is in your mind's eye. If you're really into it, you can create a vision board with the 5 things you's like to manifest--collect images, magazine snippets, drawings, whatever you like, and make a visual representation of each of your 5 desires that you can hang somewhere you'll see it every day.
  • Revisit your lists daily, and do the gratitude piece to close each process.
This is just on step to living your life as your BeSt sElF--remember that every juicy moment and hOLy interaction is created jUsT for you to reaCh youR hIghEsT poTentIaL? Leave a comment on the blog--we appreciate you sharing your experience!

You were born to STAND OUT! LOL!

;) Dana

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