Dear AweSomE pEEps!
I've decided to commit to a 40-day practice starting tomorrow for a Revolutionary Self-Care Reboot for the New Year!
Rituals can provide us with grounding as we encounter the business of our daily existence. I know that the power of simply being present can offer not only a daily spiritual practice, but a gateway to LIVING A SPIRITUAL EXISTENCE-- throughout the next forty days, I'll share some of the more spiritual self-care practices I infuse in my days to help guide me along the way. I'll also share how difficult it can be to keep up such practices--but the benefits are transformational!
Sadhana, or daily ritual practices, support us as spiritual beings--and spirit can be woven throughout our existence. In my self-care practices, I chunk stuff in 4 different categories; note that even though I put my intentions in categories, they all overlap because living a spiritual existence happens MOMENT TO MOMENT. Here's my plan:
Weekly Practices:
- I will write my blog.
- I will journal.
- I will walk in nature.
- I will listen to amazing music.
- I will pray and/or meditate; this will look different each day depending upon what I need.
PhYsiCaL (and spiritual):
- I will awaken each morning, meditate, and set intentions for the day.
- I will take vitamins &/or antioxidants each day, and drink lots of water.
- I will abstain from drinking pop and alcohol, and eating sugar.
- I will run, do yoga, or walk, for 30 minutes each day.
- I will take time off when my body needs a rest!
- I will take pride in the way I look (cute is good!).
EmOtiOnAL (and spiritual):
- I will check in with my gut and my heart to see how I'm feeling.
- I will give my feelings and thoughts voice and share them with love when appropriate.
- I will intentionally check in with the people I love most and try to be more available and connected.
- I will practice gratitude on a daily, if not momentary basis.
- I will practice healthy boundaries around relationships, and people and practices that drain my energy.
InTeLLecTuaL (and spiritual):
- I will do the crossword once per week.
- I will do puzzles with my kids.
- I will read about effective relationships, and soul purpose. And some good fiction, too!
So there it is! I know it's a LOT--but I am capable of so much . . . and I have let Sadhana by the wayside for awhile.
What daily practices can you commit to? Leave us a comment and share your dreams!
Lots of heart lOve!