Monday, July 13, 2015

Presence . . .

“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have.

Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.”

hOw gOeS iT funfreepeople?--

Thanks for checking out the blog today . . . 
Yesterday I wrote about how pets can help remind us about how to be prEsEnt--it really is a pReSenT. It's such a gift to spend time with our animal friends who are pets, or to watch them out in nAtUre . . . it's mezmerizing (idk how 2 spell that!). 

BTW--here's Teddy, 
aka "Captain of the Cava(poo)"

So hangin' with animals is one reminder of how to bE pReSenT. We also have to be completely present when we are with babies or little kids . . . you know, like when little Sophie needs her diaper changed NOW, she cries? 
Or, when a baby laughs, it's CONTAGIOUS! 
Here's one of my and my kids' favorite baby videos called . . .
Hysterical bubbles!

So what brings you into the pResEnt moment? Usually, it's when we witness something really intense, or when we play a sport we lOvE, or do an activity that is our pAsSiOn (like writing this bLoG for me...).

The go(o)d news, is that we can choose to be present to whatEvEr is in front of us . . . so that whatever or whomever is placed in our pAtH gets our fULL AttEnTiOn.

ANd then, magically, time drops off, just like when we are in the company of a friend, like Teddy Duncan Bradach the Third!

tOdaY: give yourself a present--fEeL your preSence!

luv ya!

;) dana

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