Thursday, October 29, 2015

hApPy bIrThdAy, mAx!

hApPy bIrThdaY, bEaUtifUL bOy!
cHeCK ouT this AwkwaRd and aMazinG viDeo
hEy pEEps!
I am so psYchEd to say that today is the BirtHdAY of my amazing son, Max! I am so glad to be his super proud mOmMa!
HaPpY BiRtHdAy, MAX!
(click below for super awesome animated birthday song)
Well, Max is 15 now . . .  almost can drive! Yikes and super yikes! I remember carrying him in my tummy (not easy . . . I was not one of those beautiful, glowing pregnant women . . . more of a crabby, uncomfortable hAg!!@#!$%!#$^ . . . but it was TOTES worth it! and more!), and I'll never foRgeT the dAy he bLessEd tHis worLd with his INCREDIBLE-NESS!

So, today I'm gonna blog 15 (get it? 15 years old? . . . thanks for the idea, mImI) things I absolutely lOvE abOut mAx!
eW! JiMMy FallON!
  1. gIvIng hIm a BatH in The kiTchEn sinK as a bAby . . .
  2. pLayIng pOts and pAns in tHe kitChen wHen he Was 3!
  3. gLuing a PicTuRe of hIm on the froNt of a ChOO-cHoo so he could bE a train in his Thomas the Tank Engine traIn seT--we named him "Choo-chOO mAx"
  4. wantinG to be spinach for HaLLowEEn whEn he was 3!
  5. lauGhinG mUch and Often and haVinG aN aMaZing sense of hUmor! (see above Jimmy FalloN video he showed me this weekend! OMG!)
  6. loviNg and beIng smart about teChnoLogy!
  7. hIs onGoinG Love afFair wiTh BaCoN
  8. hIs kInd love and pAtiEnce with hIs sisTer, ChLoe.
  9. beinG wiLLing to TELL HIS TRUTH and share his feElings with his SuPer-dOrky midDle-aged mOmma! aka ME!
  10. pOsEssIng a fOrgIving spirit
  11. haVinG a cOoL haiRstYle!
  12. bEinG one Of mY gReatEsT and mOst-aMazing teAchers!
  13. he sMeLLs good!
  14. hE reminds me of my irreVerEnt and HILARIOUS dad!
  15. He is a conTorTionist!
Max, honey, what can I say? I'm so bleSsEd to me youR mOm!
I love you to the mOoN and bAcK! (and mOrE!!)


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