Saturday, August 4, 2012

mOVinG frOm my hEaD 2 mY heART! . . .

LoVe To aLL!
HeY tHerE!

Of course my daughter found this heart this morning when she was getting her materials together to make a rOcKeT sHiP! Just what I needed, of course!

I guess hearts have been showing up a lot for me lately--in nAtUrE, and, well, everywhere! I guess there's enough love to go around!

Since I've lived up in my head for so long, it's not so easy to get used to listening to my heart (even though I am a heart person . . . ). It's like I've shut off a part of myself for so long, and when I am feeling something it's like I'm meeting someone who is vaguely familiar!

My first instinct when I have a feeling, is to think about it and understand it, and then

tALk mYsElF oUt oF iT!

(like feelings can be reasoned with . . . duh), instead of just allowing my self to feel whatever's in my heart. A good friend of mine always tells me when I have a feeling or hunch about something:

"DoN'T oVeRtHinK iT . . ."
(which is a good reminder; thanks, friend!)

Here's another thing I've noticed . . . (super secret . . .). Sometimes, when I have super yummy amazing and awesome feelings like LoVE, happiNess, or excitement . . . I also go up into my head and sometimes do the same . . .

tALk mYsElF oUt oF iT!

or question it 'cuz I'm afraid of 
trusting the feeling . . .

Guess I'm practicing at feeling it all, huh? and just letting it be . . . whatever it is . . . I'm glad I let myself feel sad for the past couple of days, and I'm glad I let the tears come . . . Remember that my daughter called this The Summer of Risks? I suppose I'm still facing my fears . . . and I know that next time I feel sad, it won't be so scary. 

Thanks, You-niverse! I'm so glad I can trust the lessons You are preparing especially FOR me! What are you learning? Let me know in the comments!

Lots of LovE!
;0) dana

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