Sunday, June 17, 2012

liSteN to yoUr gUt!

The soul knows everything. 
Be who you are and your life will transform forever. 
~Deepak Chopra

hEy tHeRe!

Yesterday I wrote about one of my lunch club gals who worked her butt off trying to be friends with everybody--which was exhausting for her 'cuz she couldn't keep up with everyone's dRaMa! She also ended up being kind of L(one)Ly 'cuz her friendships didn't go very dEEp. ;( Can you relate? 
So, she kind of BROKE UP with many of her fake friends, and decided which friends really loved, celebrated, and TRULY connected with her, and kept them as close companions.
RESULT: less draMa and ChaOs, more authentic friends, CALMer life. Whew! 
Only when we choose a calmer life can we actually listen to and get to know oUr(goOD and bAd)selves. 
When I was younger, I used to keep super busy (so people would know how much I had to do 'cuz i was so important and so responsible and I could multitask) all the time and make lists of stuff I had to do, check my lists off and make new ones...I even had lists of lists! I also tried to be friends with everyone (just like the girl in my lunch club). And guess what? It was exhausting for me 'cuz I couldn't keep up with everyone's dRaMa! I also ended up being kind of L(one)Ly 'cuz my friendships didn't go very dEEp (sounds familiar, right? that's the point, yo!). 
Anyway, looking back, al this business was really a way for me to run away from me. Like, as in, run away from getting to know myself and loving myself. Somewhere I learned that if I kept busy, if I did all this stuff for other people all the time, and if everyone liked me, I would be oKaY---problem is, I was living OUT:SIDE IN not IN:SIDE OUT.
We have to make friends with and LoVe ourselves, before we can LoVe others. I wish I would have known that when I was younger--but now I know (and I still have to practice, btw . . .) and, I know the You-niverse gives me everything in my own perfect time! And, I'm super blessed 'cuz now I kind of understand some of this stuff, and it helps me write this blog so I can share the You-niversal Go(o)dness with you! No coincidence about that!
So, tomorrow we'll start checking in with oUrselveS and getting still to listen to our hearts and gUts and our inner GPS(elves)!

So blessed to bLoG & thankful 4 U!
;) dana


  1. Lists of lists! I start far too many weekends like that! Thank you for the reminder to take a breath and settle myself so that I can start to sort out what is truly important from what is just more busyness.

  2. Easier said than done, but baby steps is a great place to start--I just found a cool tool called Trello (Google it!) that is like a post-it note board--I'm definitely going to start using it!
    Good Luck! hearts!
    :) dana
