Thursday, September 27, 2012

Be yOu, yO! yOU are a brIght LigHt!

“It doesn't matter what you did or where you were...
it matters where you are and what you're doing
Get out there! 
Sing the song in your heart and 
NEVER let anyone shut you up!!” 

Good Day fUn & fReE foLk!
Can you beLIeVE you are aLIVE and yoUr fabulous existence began as a strand of DNA?
(Pretty darn amazing . . . huh?)
So, do you live your life on purpose? 
With purpose? I am doing a lot of stuff right now to figure out them meaning of my LIFE('s) highest purpose, and if I get in touch with me, I can check in to what gives me a feeling of passion and what brings me to LIFE!

When I used to live from the OUTSIDE:IN, I worried alot about what other people thought of me (made up info. on my part, btw!), I freaked out about what I looked like, and I found myself reacting to life rather than living it & loving (mySELf and oTheRs) as a powerful coCreator!

Instead of trying to be cheap imitations of oThEr people (and what I thought they wanted me to be--also made up), I beLIeVE it is my destiny (& everyOnE's) to be the most powerful and fabulous eXpReSSioN of mE I can be! That is each of our destinies! 

So, are you living life small? Or, are you living LARGE and in CHARGE--bursting forward with pursuing the amazing creative aCtS that give you energy and paSSiOn? Our biggest gift is being present and engaged in life (LIVING!).

Have U every thought that the wOrLd will be a better place if U get to know yourself enough to sHaRe your gIfTs with the You-niverse? 

What presence do you wish to leave as your own personal signature to our delicious and amazing existence?

Live your life as your BeSt sElF--'cuz every juicy moment and hOLy interaction is created jUsT for you to reaCh youR hIghEsT poTentIaL!

JuSt SaYin'!
LiVin' LaRgE . . .
;) dana

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