Thursday, March 7, 2013

aRe U rEaDY tO reCeIvE?

"Whatever we are waiting for - peace of mind, contentment, grace,
the inner awareness of simple abundance - it will surely come to us, 
but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart."
Sarah Ban Breathnach

Dear FunFreePeeps;

We all have quiet places in our hearts that hold our secret longings, our prayers, our deepest desires. 

What are yours?

Last night I was at a gathering where people were sharing epiphanies they had experienced as a result of doing some deep inner work. One man who had come from work (I could tell because he was wearing a uniform, like a mechanic or something) was talking about how he had experienced wanting BIG, amazing things all his life, but there were some blind spots he had to shed light on, namely:
he had trouble asking (for anything)
he had trouble asking (for help)
he was uncomfortable with

(yup, you guessed it)


I used to do everything by myself because I thought asking for help was a sign of weakness, lack of independence, or stupidity. I was embarrassed if I didn't know how to do something . . . as I write that, it seems so foolish. Now, I must admit that super-duper, really-really, very often,
I need help!

The amazing & humble handyman, Phil, (who, by the way, started his own successful business after realizing this about himself) reminded me that we cannot get where we want to go ALONE . . . which is why we are all so unique--we can help each other. 

We are all interconnected.

My gifts and strengths are not the same as yours (which is why the Universe brought us together, yes?!).

We are here to help each other learn stuff! 

Case in point: My friend Celia is an amazing businesswoman, and we are in school together right now (SHOUT OUT!). We have some things in common, but in many ways we are SO TOTALLY different (which is aWesOmE-sAuCe). Here's why:

She can help with stuff that is challenging to me, like branding, hooking me up with technical people and web designers, keeping me on track with my schedule and what I've committed to, calling me out on my BS excuses . . . in a really kind but firm way!

And I can do the same with her, in other ways. We serve each other. IT'S ALL GOOD! 

NOTE TO (bad) SELF: We can't support or help each other if we don't ask each other for what we need or we are not open to receiving.

How can you be of service those around you? What can you ask for that you've been afraid of seeking? How can you be open to receive?

Lots of Love,

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