Saturday, November 17, 2012

tHe UniVerSe taP, tAp, tApPing on mY sHouLdeR . . .

tHerE iS eNouGh sUn fOr EvErYonE!
DeaR oNes!
Here is the amazing and delicious reminder I received from the Universe the other day--as I read these statements (in black), here are the intuitive messages that were whispered to  me (those are in pink, of course. . .)
The Top 10 things about time and space, Dana Lynne,
that most people seem to forget...

10. You chose to be here and you knew what you were doing. So everything in my life is purposeful and I chose the events, circumstances, and relationships, too. Everything happens for a reason and there aren't any coincidences.  And, there must be a divine purpose for my existence on the planet at this time. Whew!
9. There are no "tests" and you're not being judged. Oh, so I can relax and stop worrying that there's always a right answer? Maybe my harshest judge is myself and I need to learn how to be more loving to me--Dana! p.s. If I do feel judged, it might be a projection of mine, and if another person judges me, it's not about me?
8. Everyone's doing their best, with what they know. That "everyone"includes me and others--so I can quit judging others (oops) and myself--but which also doesn't let me off the hook to stop behaviors that no longer serve me.
7. You already have whatever you're looking for. Reminds me to practice gratitude on a daily basis. I am so so blessed! I have everything I need.
6. You are of the Divine, pure God, and so is everyone else. We all lead a holy existence . . . see pink part on #1 for more info!
5. Religion needs spirituality; spirituality does not need religion. Not sure about this one . . . if you have any ideas, leave me a comment! Might mean that spirituality is broader than religion? But I think much sacred practice comes from the rich traditions of many religions.
4. You're naturally inclined to succeed - at everything you do. Reminds me of Chopra's law of least resistance--when I am in the flow of life and accepting what IS, I can choose actions to support my intentions and give attention to my heart's desires.
3. You happen to life, life does not happen to you. I am a co-creator--not a victim. I choose to be empowered not a victim of circumstance . . . I can choose my reaction to lIfE! 
2. Order, healing, and love belie every moment of chaos, pain, and fear. Everything happens for a reason, and learning is the key--otherwise I'll get the same lesson presented over and over . . . thanks, Universe!
1. Following your heart is the best way to help others. I might have more peace & be better informed in life when I follow my gUt and my hEaRt rather than listen to the craziness that happens in my liTTle mOnKey-mInD. When I follow my heart, I can align my choices with my authentic, higher SeLf--be truer to myself and share my gifts with the world. This is the best way for my to serve others, which is the most important reason I am here (See #1). I am here for a reason, and only I can serve my higher purpose (my dharma).

The truth shall set you free,

The Universe
© ®

Pretty amazing, huh? By the way, check out the link below to catch a snapshot of one three of my favorite mentors who will all appear--together! (Coincidence? YeAh, right . . .)--on Oprahs' SuperSoulSunday show--all together! I've been mentoring with Mastin for about a year now, I am taking Marie's "Hot and Happy B-School" (business school) course, and I have followed Gabi's vlog and read her books. Should be amazing!

This EPIC episode will air on Sunday, November 18 at 11 a.m. ET/PT on OWN; Oprah will have conversations with Gabrielle Bernstein, Mastin Kipp, and Marie Forleo--the “new breed of spiritual thought leaders.” 

Lots of loVe and hUggeRs,

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