Saturday, November 3, 2012

dHarMa: "pUrPosE iN LiFe . . ."

HeLLo tHere--

Happy weekend to you! Hope you are still in your jammies . . . I totally am! If you read my blog yesterday, I wrote about how the gift of being a teacher found me in my twenties. Do you know people who absolutely love their jobs? They may be working and connecting with their dharma! Dharma is a Sanskrit word that means, "purpose in life."

What if, since you were born, you were encouraged to find your spirit, express your unique gifts in the world, and use those very same talents to serve others? What if someone told you that you were born with a unique gift that only YOU can express in this world . . . and that if you express this with an attitude of service, you will be abundant, and you will never experience want. That's what happens when our calling (job) is in alignment with our spirit; that's why people leave corporate America (and the big bucks!) to find something more meaning-FULL!

Sometimes, I hear folks complain about their employment (btw, I don't mean those who are IrKed once in a while . . . I am talking about people who chronically complain--like, over and over, about their miSeRabLe eXisTenCe at work), I wonder usually one of two things:
  • Why aren't they doing something that they absolutely love that gives them energy?
  • or, Why don't they change their attitude and like their job and stop feeding the cycle of yuckiness that probably creates their misery in the first place? I mean, just cuz' we don't love something doesn't mean we have to be uncomfortable, right? We bring our attitude to absolutely everything we experience.
Anyway, as  I write this, I know that loads of folks have to work to support their families--me, too! I would rather do something I love to support my family . . . that actually doesn't feel like work . . . teaching feels like that to me.

I know this might sound all spiritual hiPPie-diPPie, but my experience is that when I focus on MAKING MONEY, I am pretty lost. When I focus on serving others, I feel much better, and the Universe gives back 2 mE a miLLion Fold!

Deepak Chopra, in his Seven Laws of Spiritual Success describes The Law of "Dharma" or purpose life in this way:  "Everyone has a purpose in life . . . a unique gift or special talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals."

HOw does your job fulfill your dharma? Leave us a comment and let us know!

Love ya! (ReaLLy!)

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