Gratitude is the single most important ingredient
to living a successful and fulfilled life.
to living a successful and fulfilled life.
~Jack Canfield
Hey Fun & Free Pps!
I know I've written about it before, but this Personal Code of Truth has absolutely gotten my attention again: I live in love and gratitude.
stuff, huh? I used to shrink back away from the stuff I was scared of
instead of facing it head on--but guess what? Facing the stuff I'm
scared of gives me confidence, independence, strength, and power!
I know I've written about it before, but this Personal Code of Truth has absolutely gotten my attention again: I live in love and gratitude.
So the first part--I live in love--means that I don't live from a place of fear anymore. Like, for example, not saying stuff 'cuz I'm afraid
of what people will think of me, and I have KNoCkEd OfF not being true
to myself 'cuz of what others may say. It's kinda weird, but lately I've been learning a lot about fear--
I've now know that my fear isn't really an all-powerful
scary crEEpaliscious monStEr--
it's simply (not so scary)
information. . . .
So, like, if I'm scared of something . . .
that means I sUcK iT uP & DO IT, danggitt#@$%!.
The second part of my PCT--I live in gratitude--simply means that I look to life with awe, thanks, and humility. I have gratitude for even the smallest things in life (like, for example, taking a breath, seeing a beautiful flower, a smile from a stranger . . .). And, (this is trickier, yo)
that means that I am also thankful for the yucky crap-aliscious
stuff--'cuz when it feels crappy, it means I just can't see the sparkly
gifts in the experience yet-- 'cuz I can't see the super amazing,
bIggEr and beTTer pLan
the You-niverse has for me!
. . . so there you have it! That's my second mantra! What do you think? Leave a comment and let me know how YOU live in LoVe and gRaTiTuDe! If you're interested in some more quotes about gratitude, click on this link:
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