Monday, September 7, 2015

(tAb) u liscous...

Hey Y'all,

Yesterday takes me back to TrUsT in something biGGer than what we know... (and trust, is hard...cuz alot of times, we only believe in what we can see, touch, smell, taste, etc...)
I used to have a hard time with tRuSt. But here's kind of a cool and raNdoM (surprise, coming from me) story:

I was running once and I looked down and saw some beds of clover. Sometimes, I try to test the magic in the Universe, so I ask it to show me something weird that would be pretty far-fetched to see. 

For example, once I asked to see a pink can of TaB (which is old-school pop); I didn't think it was made anymore, and I hadn't seen a can for like, 25 years. Four days later, my teacher-friend Mr. R walked through the computer lab (where I had my English classes). 
He smiled and announced, "I am going to the get myself a TaB." And I was so psyched! 
I asked, "Do you have a can for me?"
And he told me that he only had one left, and that I could have it.
Pretty amazing, huh?
Thanks, Mr. R!


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