Thursday, June 15, 2017

Trust the Timing of the Universe

“Even when you think you have your life all mapped out

things happen that shape your destiny

in ways you might never have imagined. ”

hEy aLL!

One thing that has been getting my attention lately is the fact that THINGS ARE NOT ON MY TIMELINE . . . (huh? I thought I was in cOnTrOL . . . not). I mean, I can have the best plans for any particular day, and then shIzzLe happens and what I thought my day was going to look like tOtaLLy changes@!!$%^

But that’s okay . . . I’ve learned to go with it . . . well, most of the time . . .

What’s nOt oKaY and what makes me absolutely mIserAbLe, is when I can’t go with the flow. In other words, I can’t be mAd at LiFe for not happening MY WAY (or the highway . . .) —which brings me back to . . .

LeTTinG Go . . .
gOiNg with tHe fLoW of mY beAutY-FULL LiFe
and LeTTinG Go(d)
(or the Universe)
be in charge

sToRy oPPorTunitY: One day two summers ago was going to be pretty complicated. I was supposed to have a meeting, pay bills, go to the doctor, bLaH.BlAH. bLaH! --and when I started feeling overwhelmed, I cancelled an appointment at 1:00 at my school so I could get some breathing room and hang with my kids. Well, in the morning my kids reminded me that they were going to help me set up my classroom anyway, (I teach 8th grade English - - -YeaH!). So, we headed to school.

Well, about a mile from my school, my engine light went on and my car jerked suddenly. My kids were freaking out, (and so was I . . . but they didn't know it, 'cuz I'm the grown up, right? and I can fake it . . .). I know that my oil change light started going on a couple of days ago, but I was secretly kind of ignoring it until my kids were with their dad (I don't like to run errands when I have my kids). Another thing that mad me anxious is that I didn't want to be late for dropping off my kids at their dad's (I hAte being Late!).

A few blocks away was an oil change station, and it happened to be three blocks from my school also, so I drove (heart beating . . . well, POUNDING!) into the station and told the guys that my light went on, and I needed an oil change.

Guess what! They were super nice, told me they would change the oil and do a diagnostic on my car and call me when they were done. Meanwhile, we walked to my school, set up my classroom, and I even got to meet my teaching partner for a few minutes!

So, here's what I was reminded of: The timing of the Universe is much better than mine. Here's why (note secret gratitude list that I actually said out loud in front of my kids):
  • My light went on at the perfect time--
  • not when I was traveling hundreds of miles last weekend
  • not on the highway this morning
  • but thankfully 1/2 mile from my school-
  • I could take care of the oil change and get my schoolwork done
  • I could walk to school with my kids
  • I was able to meet with my teaching partner--aWeSomE!
  • I was able to role model gratitude with my kids!
  • My kiddos got to their dad's in time for lunch! Yeah! 
Funny thing--I actually would have been SUPER SMART to plan it JUST THE WAY IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED . . . but guess what? The timing still worked out perfectly without me being in charge of it! Thanks Universe!

WheW! I'm gonna stop working so hard . . .

HeArts to yOu!

SuPer LuCky giRl (aka dana)

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