Thursday, July 23, 2015

Be wHerE U aRe . . .haVe fUn!

hEy tHeRe!
. . . about the name funfreeMe--today, let's focus on FUN. . . today . . . (and for the rest of our lives!)!

Most people who know me, (especially kids in my classes), know how rAnDoM and wEiRd I can be . . . 
. . . cuz basically, I lOvE to laugh and have fun!

Life is short. So, I believe we should have as much fun as possible, and laugh long and hard LoTs!@#$#!

For example, I like to randomly dance and skip in the hallways at my school just cuz' I can (and I hug my students, too . . . shhh don't tell!). Here's an insane video of me doing the ugly dance that was sent to my blog a couple of weeks ago. Thanks a lot! (I think . . .):

mS. cUrRy doInG tHe UgLy dAnCe!!!

LOL (x 3) @!#!

Don't you love laughing, especially when you can't stop? Laughter can be contagious, and it goes viral in a group! It aLsO feels good and is awesomely Go(o)d for you & our health!

. . . today, I challenge you to laugh and laugh until your belly hurts! I laugh until I cry almost eVeRyDay... and just so you know, I also cry-cry almost everyday---years of sadness pouring the yucky stuff out. It's okay; I am gathering my tribe.

We are always where we're supposed to be . . . always. My best friend reminded me of that this morning. Thanks, Keith--you are amazing.

and thank you, Go(o)d.

Go(0)d times!

;) dana
p.p.S. Leave me a comment and tell me what makes you laugh your butt off!

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