Saturday, January 23, 2016

Got Health?

Last week I came across this amazing article about being healthy, and how it is each of our responsibilities to operate within our most optimum health in order to serve. Interesting that it always comes back to caring for ourselves before we serve the interests of others. Check out Pilar Gerasimo's call to revolution: Click on the link to see the full blog.

A Manifesto for Thriving in a Mixed-Up World

Being Healthy Is a Revolutionary Act

Throwing off the chains of poor health and reclaiming our full vitality is both our individual right and our collective responsibility. And there is perhaps no more life-transforming choice.Being strong and healthy in an unhealthy culture makes you part of an empowered minority. It gives you freedoms and opportunities that poor health and fitness prohibit. It endows you with the energy, clarity and resiliency to fully enjoy your life, and to make bigger, more meaningful contributions in anything you do. Choosing a healthy way of life involves making some revolutionary choices, and it also has revolutionary results.
Because when you change your health for the better, you change the lives of everyone around you for the better, too.
In a very real way, you change your world.
Pilar Gerasimo
How can you optimize your health and well-being? Are there any unhealthy patterns that you'd like to alter? How would your contributions change? Leave a comment and share your goal!

Lots of Love,

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